When it comes to building enclosures, it’s easy to make them Texas tough with ZIP System® products.

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Why your next home should be built with ZIP System® Sheathing and Tape.

  • Structural Durability

    Unlike fiberboard or traditional housewrap alternatives, ZIP System® products provide built-in layers of structural strength and protection against the elements.

  • Moisture Protection

    A built-in water-resistive barrier protects homes from the elements during construction and long after.

  • Air Quality and Comfort

    The black taped seams and details are key to helping reduce air leaks — a critical component of an energy-efficient, comfortable, healthy home.

A small investment can lead to a stronger build.

It doesn't take much to upgrade to ZIP System® products from using traditional housewrap.

home wrapped in ZIP System® products

Upgrading to ZIP System®
Based on 3,000 SQ. FT. Home1

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Homes are built better in Texas with ZIP System® Sheathing and Tape.